Thursday, February 21, 2008


Every day exfoliatethe skin .Not unlike dry skin brushing ,exfoliation clears the skin of dead cell ; thae main difference is that it needs to be done with water and an exfoliater ,so this treatment could easily be integrated with one of your pampering sessions .

  1. As you run a bath ,add a few drops of your favourite bath oil and relax for at least ten minutes in the water ,allowing time for your skin to soften before you begin to esfoliate .
  2. You can either apply exfoliation cream while in the bath ,lifiting each limb out of the water to do so ,or climb out of the bath and apply the cream using firm circular movements all over your body .When finished ,climb back into the bath and carry on rubbing until all the cream has been washed off .
  3. Get out of the bath and towel yourself dry before applying moisturizer all over your body.
  4. Finally jump into a pair of your warmest pyjamas,and hop into bed with a good book for a restorative early night.

Epsom salts baths

Spend up the elimination of toxins from the skin and improve your circulation with an Epsom salts bath.Run the bath water and 225-450g (1/2-1lb )of Epsom salts to the water .Most chemists and health food stores sell Epsom salts .

Soak for about 20 minutes ,and when you get out ,keep yourself warm by piling on lost clothes ; this will help the body to continue sweating out toxins.

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