Monday, January 14, 2008

Healthy Drinking

Maintaining a healthy balance of fluids is alwary essential ,especially when you consider that the body is make up of 80 per cent water ,but when detoxing it is particularly important to increase your intake of fluid to help cleanse the system and flush out any impurities .

Fruit juices : These can be drunk in addition to the recommended quantity of water .If buying pre-packed ,check the label that it is pure ,unsweetened juice and not the variety made up in water from fruit pulp . Better still ,if you have a juicer make your own .

Apple juice
275g(10oz) or 2 medium-sized hard apples

There is no need to peel the apple ,simply chop it up roughly and pop the pieces into the juice .Rich in vitamin C ,this is an excellent liver and kidney cleanser and assists the growth and development of a healthy nervous system.

Water : You aim must be to drink at least 1.75 litres (3 pints) of water a day .That may seem a lot and likely to cause several unscheduled visits to the loo, but after several days the body will adjust .And if drinking plain water becomes a little boring , try adding lemon ,lime ,honey or ginger to flavour it .
Herbal teas: Echinacea and fenugreek are reputedly the best.
Dandelion coffee : Available from health food shops ,this is sometimes drunk as an alternative to coffee.

Home-made fruit juices to try
If you have a juicer , you can make your own fresh juice using any of the following fruits :
  • Apple
  • Grapes
  • Grapefruit
  • Lemon
  • Limes
  • Mango

  • Melon
  • Papaya
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Pineapple
  • Strawberries
  • Watermelon

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