Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Symptoms : Anemia ,also called iron-deficiency anemia ,occurs when there is not enough iron in the body .Without the proper amount of this mineral ,the body cannot produce adequate amounts of hemoglobin .Why does this matter? Hemoglobin is responsible for carrying tissue-nourishing oxygen from the lungs to every part of the body. Without oxygen, the body cannot function properly. A low-iron diet, heavy monthly menstrual flow,pregnancy , lead poisoning , recent blood loss, or poor iron absorption by the body can all lead to anemia. Initial signs are so mild they often go unnoticed : Greater-than-usual fatigue or slight pallor are common symptoms. Later on, the heart rate may grow faster and the sufferer may become winded more easily than usual.

How Vitamin E Can Help : Two of vitamin E's functions are to help form new red blood cells and maintain the heath of existing red blood cells, allowing them to live "a long life." While vitamin E alone cannot cure anemia, its essential role in maintaining a healthy blood supply makes it a helpful companion therapy.

Dosages : Take 10 to 200 mg of vitamin E three times daily with meals. In addition, consume daily servings of foods rich in vitamin E, such as avocados, brown rice ,dark green leafy vegetables ,nuts, oatmeal ,seeds ,soybeans ,and wheat germ.

Want to know just how important vitamin E is to a healthy blood supply ? In one study ,male adults were fed a diet containing no more than 5 IU of vitamin E daily for several years .Routine tests found that the rest subjects' hemoglobin levels were in what researchers call "a normal ,slightly low range ."Furthermore ,data showed that the red blood cells of these subjects were being destroyed about 8 to 10 percent faster than the red blood cells of the control group subjects ,who were getting higher levels of vitamin E from their diets.

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