Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Dr.Niehans stated the ultimate aim of cell therapy in this way :"What Ian striving after is not only to give more years to life but especially to give more life to years ."Niehan's aim was to "make all the organs struck by old age capable once more of functioning properly and , at the same time ,bring fresh strength to the whole body by revitalization of the sex glands ."
The problem that cell therapy is designed to solve include the following :

General loss of vitality,
Physical and mental exhaustion,
Convalescence after illness,
Premature aging,
Signs of deterioration of the brain ,heart ,kidneys ,lungs ,liver ,and digestive organs,
Weakness of the immune system ,
Arthritis and other degenerative diseases of the connective tissue,
Underfunction of the endocrine glands,
Disturbances of menopause,
Chronic pain ,migraine ,headaches ,neuralgia ,back pain ,sciatica,
Artherosclerosis of the brain ,heart ,and peripheral circulation .

Cell therapy successfully revitalizes and extends youth .Cell therapists see their patients skin tone and complexion improve their vitality increase ,their youthful optimism and energy return and various other infirmities of aging much improve.

Dr.Niehaus used cell therapy for alot more than youth extension .He used live cell injections not only to regenerate diseased or aged organs but also to stimulate development of underdeveloped or retarded organs.In fact ,Niehans's successful treatment of dwarfism provided him with some of his earliest notoriety in the United States.
The basic therapeutic effect of cell therapy was described Dr.Niehans as "organotropic cellular regeneration in the impaired organs. "In other words ,the therapy stimulated the disease and aging-damaged organs to regenerate .This restoration usually takes anywhere from three to six months after the the injections .Any immediate effect ,explained Niehans, would have to be caused by hormones, not cellular regeneration.

Doctors who use cell therapy have reported that atherosclerosis patients also benefit .In a study performed on laboratory rats,cell therapy increased the residual pliability of aorta tissue to that when stretched,it returned to its original shape much faster.This is a characteristic of younger tissue.

Experiments on connective tissue have shown that cell therapy can increase the strength and pliability of this important structural element of the body .The youthful appearance of your skin is determined in large part by the health of your connective tissue.But that't not all.How youthfully your joints, muscles,and blood vessels function also depends on the condition of your connective tissue.Since the success of several cosmetic surgery operation depends upon the strenght and elasticity of the skin, a course of cell therapy before rejuvenating surgery is good idea for older patients whose skin has lost its elasticity.

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